Virginie RESSY - Contemporary painter from Lyon - France
SOL ART 2024 - Virginie Ressy - Artiste Peintre Ouest Lyon
18/28 septembre 2024

Portrait d'Artiste realized by the team of Sol Art _ Virginie in video
Virginie Ressy _ French Artist _ Figurative Painter Lyonnais_ FRANCE _ Summary of Works
Virginie Ressy Figurative contemporary painter from Lyon
Painter LYONNAISE by adoption, Virginie RESSY bathed in a universe of creativity between painting,
Sewing, music, architecture and gastronomy.
This omnipresence of color in his paintings was the engine of his imagination.
After passing a Plastic Art Baccalaureate, she worked on the taste of aesthetics at the Preparatory School of the Petit College of LYON and graduated from the Applied Arts of LYON in 1991 in textile option.
She then worked as a textile designer in several workshops in Lyon before devoting herself to painting on canvas.
His painting
Having painted in acrylic, today her sensitivity leads her more towards oil, caressing the subjects with more freedom it seems.
With masters, painters of the navy and armies, she takes the time to ask herself.
To paint is to know how to look.
Look at beings and things as they vibrate with and in the light.
Thus everything exists thanks to what surrounds it.
The themes addressed follow the course of his life, the brush is lost according to his pleasures,
His touch expresses his daydreams.
She wants through her paintings to share this intoxication of life.
His commitment since 2003 to the 111 des Arts,
Sale for the benefit of children with cancer and leukemia testifies to this.
Vidéo de SOL'ART 2020 _ Tassin La demi lune _
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- Permanent member of the
Salon d'ART de l'Ouest Lyonnais Sol'ART